FEBRUARY 11, 2013
7:00 P.M.
CALL TO ORDER: The regular meeting of the Board of Education for the Hayes
Center Public Schools District #43-0079
was held on Monday, February 11, 2013 in the Conference Room at the High School.
Notice of the meeting was given in
advance by publication and posted in accordance with the Board policy of giving
notice of such meetings. Notice of this
meeting was given in advance to all Board members.
ROLL CALL- President Anderjaska called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. with
Superintendent Ron Howard, Principal
Peggy Pruter, and Board members Joe Anderjaska, Connie Brott, Britt Hill, Eric
Hill, and Marian Richards present. Bob
Rosno was absent. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those in attendance.
RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: President Anderjaska thanked everyone for coming and
reminded visitors to sign in if they
wished to address the board.
RECOGNITION OF OPEN MEETINGS ACT POSTER -The Open Meetings Act Poster was in the
room and recognized by
President Anderjaska.
ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA: B. Hill moved, seconded by E. Hill, to adopt the agenda.
Voting yes Richards, Anderjaska,
Brott, B.Hill, E. Hill. Voting no: None. Absent: Rosno. Motion passed 5-0 with 1
BOARD POLICY 1113-Brott moved, seconded by B. Hill, to approve second reading of
Policy 1113. Voting yes: Brott, B.
Hill, E. Hill, Richards, Anderjaska. No: none. Absent:Rosno. Motion passed 5-0
with 1 absent.
AUDIENCE COMMUNICATIONS: Shelley Wilkinson addressed the board concerning the
possible co-op and asked that
all options be explored before making a decision. Daphne Tidyman elected to wait
and hear what is said during Board
Reports. Amanda Johnson’s request of the board was not to co-op at all if
possible; look at bringing the sixth graders up,
or if needed to look at numbers in each sport and only co-op where necessary.
Rosno arrived at 7:08 P.M.
BOARD MEMBER/COMMITTEE REPORTS/REQUESTS: Richards requested that the board only
review the 3000 policies
next month, since they are so long.
There was a long discussion on a possible co-op. Student numbers were looked at
for the next several years. There
was an informal survey taken during Parent/Teacher conferences with 68 staff and
students and 44 parents answering.
Board members asked questions of the coaches. Joe Frecks was present to answer
questions on the co-op that he was a
part of when he was at Sandhills/Thedford. The board directed Mr. Howard to send
letters to the area administration/
boards to see if there may be any other interest in a co-op. When that
information is received, the board will meet to
discuss various options. An informational letter is being drafted to send to
Hayes County residents, put on the school
web-page and put in the paper. There will be surveys and community meetings
before any final decisions are made.
Anderjaska declared a short recess at 8:12 P.M. The board returned at 8:17 P.M.
SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT- Cupcakes were provided for the board by the
administration and staff this evening for
Board Appreciation month which was in January.
PRINCIPAL’S REPORT – Mrs. Pruter reported on the staff trip to Stapleton and the
various activities this past month. In
January Mr. Wagner hosted a History Bee naming 2 junior high and 2 grade school
winners. They then took a qualifying
test on the computer and all 4 are eligible to compete in the Regional Bee in
Denver Colorado on March 4 th. Those
qualifying include: Chad Barent, Megan Tidyman, Avery Johnson, and Kollin Lewis.
We had several entries in the RPAC
Art Contest in Cambridge. Romello Taylor was a medal winner, Taylor Cooper
received both a 1 st and 2nd place ribbon
and Liz VanCura received honorable mention. Andrea Wach was named the MNB
Student of the Month. Her picture
appeared in the paper last week. FFA has been busy; Taylor Cooper and Kerbie
Large each earned their State Degrees;
Andrea Wach will compete for a State award in Diversified Crops; several
students earned ribbons at the District Career
Development I competition; we will have another Career Development competition
later this month. Mr. Cooper and
the Ag students will be hosting Ag in the Classroom presentations for the
elementary students on Feb. 22 nd. The Boy’s
and Girl’s Basketball teams competed in the RPAC contests. Final rankings for
the West division placed us 6 th in the girls
and boys placed 5th. We enter sub-district play this week. The Music Department
has been busy; Kaitlin Howard, Mason
Harouff, Alex Lawson, Taylor Cooper, Joey Anderjaska and Andrea Wach
participated in the UNK Honor Band and Choir;
the choir students participated in the RPAC Vocal Clinic on Feb. 4; Corissa
Brown, Kelsey Ridlen, Joey Anderjaska, Taylor
Cooper, Kaitlin Howard, Mason Harouff and Allyson Lawson were selected for Class
D All State Band that will take place
in March. The Speech Team is getting busy – they placed 2nd in the Speech Meet
at Southwest Schools on Saturday; they
have another meet this week and one next week.
The Elementary students have participated in a hand washing clinic provided by
the Southwest Health Department;
upper elementary students participated in an interactive virtual field trip on
Pacific Ocean fish; student-led parent
teacher conferences were continued this time with students talking about an
academic and a social goal; and they
continue their Pennies for Patients drive.
Curriculum, Assessment, School Improvement: Students in grades 4, 8 & 11 took
their NeSA Writing Assessment during
January. Other NeSA tests will be taken in April. We hope to hear results from
the writing exam near the end of school.
Students in 4th grade will take the National Assessment of Educational Progress
(NAEP) on Wed. We will not receive
individual score reports. The results go into a bank of scores from across the
nation and will become a part of the
“Nation’s Report Card.”
Parent Teacher Conferences were held on the 5th. Overall we had fair
participation. A group of teachers from the School
Improvement Steering Committee travelled to Stapleton Elementary on Jan. 24 th
to see how their school improvement
process has been working. We came back with many ideas that we can incorporate
into our own process. Of immediate
help was input on standards and curriculum writing as well as using data from
benchmark assessments. We continue
work on the curricular areas of Math, Science and Language Arts. We will have a
teacher in-service on the 18 th where we
will work on helping students with test-taking skills before we head into “test
season” beginning in March.
I attended sessions at the Education Forum last week. While presented primarily
from a legal standpoint, it was a
good chance to hear input on various topics such as teacher evaluation and
improvement, reporting suspected abuse,
bullying and harassment issues, interview protocols and because a good portion
of the audience was comprised of Board
members there was a session on board meetings. The Board would like to
congratulate all the students representing
Hayes Center in the History Bee, RPAC Art Contest, FFA, Speech, Band, Choir, and
Andrea Wach for being named MNB
Student of the Month.
ACTION ITEMS- CONSENT AGENDA- Richards moved, seconded by Brott, to approve the
consent agenda consisting of
the approval of minutes for January 14, 2013 Regular meeting, approval of the
January 14, 2013 Board Work Session,
and approval of February General Fund claims of $266,052.46(payroll -$146,018.98
claims -$120,033.48). There was
discussion of some boiler repairs that were done that Mr. Howard thought would
come out of the Depreciation Fund
but ended up coming out of the General Fund. Should we transfer from
Depreciation now or wait; we will wait to see
where we are and transfer if needed. Richards re-read the motion. Richards
moved, seconded by Brott, to approve the
consent agenda consisting of the Approval of Minutes for January 14, 2013
Regular meeting, Approval of the January 14,
2013 Board Work Session, and Approval of February General Fund claims of
$266,052.46(payroll -$146,018.98 claims -
$120,033.48). Voting yes: Rosno, Anderjaska, Brott, B. Hill, E. Hill, Richards.
Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.
BOARD POLICY 1012 – CONFLICT OF INTEREST- Mr. Howard feels that wording of
Policy 1012 conflicts with state statute
and that we should align the policy with state statutes. Anderjaska moved,
seconded by E. Hill, that we align Board
Policy 1012 with State Statute 79-544 and approve first reading. Voting yes: E.
Hill, Rosno, Anderjaska, Brott, B. Hill.
Voting no: none. Abstaining: Richards. Motion passed 5-0 with 1 abstention.
BOARD POLICY 1113 – 2ND READING –covered under number 6 above.
BOARD POLICY 1134 – BOARD OPERATING PRINCIPLES- To align with changes to Policy
Richards moved, seconded by Brott, to change wording to “three minutes”. Voting
yes: Richards, Rosno, Anderjaska,
Brott, B. Hill, E. Hill. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.
BOARD POLICY 2020.1 Richards moved, seconded by Brott, to increase the
superintendent spending authority to
$3,000. Some discussion followed. Richards re-read the motion. Richards moved,
seconded by Brott, to increase the
superintendent spending to $3,000. Voting yes: Rosno, Anderjaska, Brott, E.
Hill, Richards. Voting no: Rosno, B. Hill.
Motion passed 4-2.
seconded by Rosno, to
approve first reading of 1000 and 2000 policies. Voting yes: Anderjaska, Brott,
B. Hill, E. Hill, Richards, Rosno. Voting no:
none. Motion passed 6-0.
BOARD MEETING START TIME- Mr. Howard requested the board consider changing the
year-round meeting start time
to 7:00 P.M. Anderjaska moved, seconded by E. Hill, to change the meeting start
time to 7:00 P.M. year around. Voting
yes: Brott, B. Hill, E.Hill, Richards, Rosno, Anderjaska,. Voting no: none.
Motion passed 6-0.
APPROVE LOCAL SUB- Brott moved, seconded by Anderjaska, to accept Taylor
Ridder’s application for local sub. Voting
yes: B. Hill, E. Hill, Rosno, Anderjaska, Brott,. Voting no: none. Abstain:
Richards. Motion passed 5-0 with 1 abstention.
NASB MEMBERSHIP/DUES RENEWAL- Rosno moved, seconded by Brott, to renew our dues.
Voting yes: E. Hill,
Richards, Rosno, Anderjaska, Brott, B. Hill. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0.
INSURANCE PACKAGE RENEWAL -Rosno moved, seconded by E. Hill, to approve the
insurance renewal policy. Voting
yes: Richards, Rosno, Anderjaska, Brott, B. Hill, E. Hill. Voting no: none.
Motion passed 6-0.
DISCUSSION- INFORMATION ONLY-CO-OP- Discussed under Board Committee Reports
above. STRATEGIC PLAN- done
in executive session. E-MEETINGS- Mr. Howard gave the board an informational
flyer. This will be discussed next month.
FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS/OTHER-President Anderjaska asked to change the March meeting
because of a scheduling
conflict. The meeting will be March 4th at 7:00 P.M.
EXECUTIVE SESSION-PERSONNEL- Richards moved, seconded by Brott, to go into
executive session for the discussion
of staffing/positions and strategic planning for the protection of the public’s
interest. Voting yes: Richards, Rosno,
Anderjaska, Brott, B. Hill, E. Hill. Voting no: none. Motion passed 6-0. The
board invited Mr. Howard and Mrs. Pruter
to join them in executive session. The board entered executive session at 9:02
P.M. The board came out of executive
session at 9:49 P.M.
President Anderjaska adjourned the meeting at 9:52 P.M.
The next regular scheduled meeting of the board of education will be March 4,
2013 at 7:00 P.M.
Submitted by Marian Richards, Board Secretary
These are a full draft of the minutes that will be considered for approval at
the next regular Board meeting.
Hayes Center Public School | 1MONTHLY PAPER LIST | ||||||
02/19/2013 2:51 PM | |||||||
Vendor Name | Amount | ||||||
Checking | 1 | Fund: | 01 | GENERAL FUND | |||
AMERICAN TIME & SIGNAL CO | 128.08 | ||||||
AMFIRST INSURANCE SERVICE | 58,988.00 | ||||||
APPLE COMPUTER INC. | 598.00 | ||||||
BRICO PEST CONTROL | 60.00 | ||||||
CENGAGE LEARNING | 933.63 | ||||||
EDUCATIONAL SERVICE UNIT #15 | 9,022.00 | ||||||
EDUCATIONAL SERVICE UNIT #16 | 207.12 | ||||||
HAYES COUNTY FARMERS COOP | 27,557.38 | ||||||
HERSHBERGER'S MUSIC | 15.20 | ||||||
HOMETOWN LEASING | 829.97 | ||||||
HOT LUNCH FUND | 177.00 | ||||||
IMPERIAL NAPA | 17.98 | ||||||
J.W. PEPPER & SON, INC. | 147.48 | ||||||
MALLECK OIL COMPANY | 3,404.03 | ||||||
MATHESON TRI-GAS, INC | 705.17 | ||||||
NE SAFETY & FIRE EQUIPMENT INC | 330.00 | ||||||
NEBRASKA TRUCK CENTER, INC. | 526.72 | ||||||
PETTY CASH-GENERAL FUND HCPS | 1,359.96 | ||||||
SCOOP MEDIA LLC | 235.98 | ||||||
SCOTT'S GROCERY L.L.C. | 397.25 | ||||||
SNELL SERVICES, INC | 5,274.60 | ||||||
SOUTHWEST PUBLIC POWER | 2,654.97 | ||||||
TEACHER DIRECT | 15.88 | ||||||
U. S. BANK | 323.58 | ||||||
Hayes Center Public School | 1MONTHLY PAPER LIST | ||||||
02/19/2013 2:51 PM | |||||||
Vendor Name | Amount | ||||||
VIAERO | 70.55 | ||||||
VILLAGE OF HAYES CENTER | 1,561.17 | ||||||
WARREN, BRETT | 1,942.20 | ||||||
WAVELAND PRESS, INC | 65.95 | ||||||
WRIGHT, CODY | 420.00 | ||||||